Minutes & Agenda

Agenda for 09/11 Meeting

Minutes for May 20th meeting 

Italian language advisory committee

John. D. Calandra Institute/QUEENS COLLEGE

May 20th Meeting



  • CUNY Commons site https://ilac.commons.gc.cuny.edu/
  • Election of Vice-Chair
  • Syllabi collection & campus specific information form
  • Creation of goals and mission of ILAC (sub-committee)
  • Discuss the transfer initiative (sub-committee)
  • Using Interactive Tutorials in Learning Italian (Baruch)
  • Ebook Presentation and discussion

 Fall Dates

September 16 at 2:00pm

October 21 at 2:00pm

November 4 at 2:00pm

Possible Dec 2 meeting at 2:00pm






Roll Call: Fabio Girelli-Carasi (Brooklyn); Antonella Ansani (Queens CC); Samuel Ghelli (York); Maria Enrico (BMCC); Tom Means (Staten Island); Giulia Guarnieri (Bronx CC); Cristina LaPorta (Hostos); Angela Toscano (Kingsboro); Karina Attar (Queens).

Convener: Dean Anthony Tamburri (Calandra).


The meeting is called to order at 2.10 PM


The Convener, Dean Tamburri, calls for nominations for the Chair of the committee.

Giulia Guarnieri is nominated, the nomination is seconded and the nominee accepts the nomination. The motion to elect is called and Prof. Guarnieri is elected with unanimous voice vote.


The Chair outlined a number of potential issues for the committee’s agenda. The ensuing discussion highlights the desire and willingness to share information among colleges concerning several areas of concern: Exchange of teaching materials; dissemination of information on initiatives; departmental document concerning foreign language graduation requirements; requirements for Italian majors; need for better coordination between CC’s and senior colleges (such as passing grades, course credit-hours for equivalency evaluation in case of credit transfer.) Other topics of discussion were the development of an adjunct database; study abroad programs; the need for a placement test; programs for heritage speakers; Italian-American Studies courses; the development of an online Italian 3 to be offered in the summer; internships.

The Chair proposes the creation of a blog on CUNY Commons open to all committee members to facilitate communication as indicated above.
The discussion focused on a possible project concerning the creation of a textbook and supplementary materials for the language sequence. In principle it was agreed that the net profit after production expenses and royalties should be re-distributed to the programs that adopt the textbook to support those same programs.


The Chair will communicate via email the date of the next meeting. Items for next meeting’s agenda are welcome.

Adjournment. The meeting is adjourned at 3.30 PM.


Fabio Girelli-Carasi

Acting Secretary

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