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Monthly Archives: September 2011
Mission of The Italian Language Advisory Committee
Mission and Vision of the Italian Language Advisory Council (ILAC) Queens College of The City University of New York.
The ILAC serves the CUNY Italian-American teaching community and seeks to offer guidance and support to all teaching staff of The City University of New York by sharing vital resources and information in this era of ever growing globalization.
The ILAC is a committee associated with The John D. Calandra Italian American Institute, led by Dean Anthony Tamburri. The Chair of ILAC is elected by the committee at large and serves a two-year term that may be extended from term to term.
The committee seeks to:
- Foster a climate of cooperation, collegiality, and exchange of teaching and research resources among colleagues.
- Support the growth of Italian language programs at all levels of instruction within CUNY.
- Provide training and mentorship to part-time instructors and graduate students who teach Italian.
- Circulate information about conferences, lectures, symposiums about Italian language, culture, literature, and support scholarly academic publications.
- Organize monthly meetings among Italianists to discuss prominent issues and make concrete policy recommendations.
- Promote and actively work towards articulation among Italian programs within the City University of New York, especially from the Community Colleges to Senior Colleges.
- Offer up-to-date information and document the work of the committee on the Council’s website.